No. 42 - Legana Uniting Church - Three Churches in Seven Months

The title of this blog entry reflects the rapid spread of Methodist churches in the Tamar region in the latter half of the 19th century. The Legana Uniting Church is just one example of many Methodist communities established at this time. 

This seemingly simple church is older than it might appear. In the photographs it is apparent that the church has been extended at the front while the older part of the building at the rear rests on a stone foundation. The later additions are apparent when comparing these photographs with the black and white photos of the church taken in 1955.  The Legana Uniting Church is one of the few survivors of the early Methodist expansion and still operates, serving the rapidly growing town of Legana north of Launceston.

The church opened in 1916 and was one of three Methodist churches which opened in the district within a space of 7 months; the other two being at Exeter and Richmond Hill.

The opening of the church was described in Launceston’s Daily Telegraph:

Three services were held… At each service musical items were rendered by members of the Patterson Street Choir…. Through the inclemency of the weather the attendance at the afternoon and evening services was greatly affected. After the morning service Rev. Grove performed the pleasing duty of presenting  a piece of silver plate to Mr and Mrs H. McEwin, in grateful appreciation for the way in which they opened their home for the service during the past fifteen months. An entertainment and coffee supper was to have been held on Monday night, but owing to the heavy rains was postponed until Tuesday, and on that evening the church was crowded. …The building has been erected by Mr J. H. Higgs, who is to be complemented on the workmanship. The block of land on which the church stands was the gift of the late Mr F. W. Stewart. … The, opening celebrations returned about £13, and with special donations received towards seats and organ would make the total over £30.

Legana Uniting Church still serves its community but is now barely noticeable at the side of a busy road at the edge of a commuter suburb. As with all blog entries, it will be updated as further comes to hand.

Photograph: Duncan Grant 2018

Photo: Duncan Grant 2018

Legana Methodist Church 1955:  QVMAG Collection :1983:P:0093

Legana Methodist Church 1955 - QVMAG Collection 1983:P:0094


Daily Telegraph (Launceston) Friday 27 October 1916

Examiner  Friday 4 May 1917


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