Reflections on the First Month of Blogging

This post is to thank you for reading this blog and also for the feedback and information that I have received from so many people. When I started this project, my goal was to simply share my photos of churches around Tasmania I have taken over a number of years. I thought I should include a thumbnail history for each post to provide a bit of context for the photographs. I did not expect that I would find the research so fascinating and addictive. After my first few posts I started to do more primary research, mainly driven by the fact that their was little published material on smaller and remote churches. I am afraid that the research bug has bitten and has fed my church-o-mania.

Because I am not from Tasmania, a lot of what is new and interesting to me might be old hat to many people. I might get my facts wrong sometimes and I absolutely welcome corrections and additional information. I will update original blog posts as more information becomes available. A lot of the history is preserved in memories and local knowledge and this really should be captured before it is lost. Over time I aim to collect more oral histories. In this respect Barry and Maureen Symons have provided a treasure trove of information which I am following up. Also thanks to those who have sent me photographs or alerted me to churches that I did not know existed.

After a month of blogging I have been somewhat taken aback by the amount of interest shown and the blog has received just short of 5000 visits from 29 countries. I was surprised that it has been the smaller less known churches that have attracted the most interest. The Bracknell Methodist Church for example attracted well of 600 page visits while the Blind Chapel at Tunbridge well over 500.

Being on my summer holiday and having a healthy bank of data and photographs has enabled me to put up one post a day, but I probably will not be able to sustain this output once back at work. Hopefully three to four posts a week will suffice. There is no shortage of churches however, with well over 500 still on file. I will also be introducing some posts on some interesting cemeteries and gravestones as well at interior features of churches such as stained glass windows. There are also a large number of churches that have completely vanished and I will be feeding a few of these onto the blog from time to time. Church architects and architectural features and background on the various religious movements and leaders are also potential topics. So I guess that I have enough to keep me going for a few years at least.

Thank you for your support and interest.

A chapel  that will feature in an upcoming post.  But where is it?


  1. Welcome to the blogisphere and congratulations on a fantastic first month of blogging.

  2. Thanks Jim. I am still learning on the job!

  3. Loving your posts. Welcome to the blogging world.

  4. Thank you Lilian. It is new world to me and I am enjoying it immensely.


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