No. 377 - The Scots Presbyterian Church at Bridport

Bridport is a resort town on Tasmania’s north-east coast situated at the mouth of the Brid River. It was once an important port for hinterland settlements during the mining boom of the late 19th century.

The Presbyterian church commenced services at Bridport in April 1952 with services held in the Country Women’s Association Hall and later in the Methodist church. In 1967 land was purchased on Westwood Street for the construction of a church. A hall was built at the rear of the block so that a church could be added at the front at a later date. Construction began in February 1969 and the building was completed in the following year with the first service held in August 1970.

The church’s memorial communion table and pulpit were crafted by Mr Robinson of St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church in South Launceston.

The planned church in front of the hall was never built but the church is still open and is approaching its 50th anniversary. Presbyterian churches in the Scottsdale region elected not to join the Uniting Church in 1977 and Bridport’s Scots Presbyterian Church remains part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.

Photo: Duncan Grant 2019

Photo: Duncan Grant 2019

Photo: Duncan Grant 2019

The North East Advertiser April 1952


North-Eastern Advertiser, Friday 11 April 1952, page 3

Gaggin, Edith. & Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union of Tasmania. & Presbyterian Women's Association Tasmanian Unit.  (2003).  1903 - 2003 : Tasmanian Presbyterian women in mission.  Youngtown, Tas :  Presbyterian Women's Association of Australia, Tasmanian Unit


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