No. 714 - Oldina - St Alban's Anglican Church

Olinda is a small rural settlement situated approximately 15 kilometres south of the town of Wynyard. The district was previously know as Upper Moores Plains before it was changed to Oldina in late 1910.

An Anglican church, situated at the junction Oldina and Lowries Road, was dedicated to St. Alban in 1924. It is probable that the church was established in a converted building, possibly used for a Sunday school which was established 1911. It was clearly not a new building for in March 1927 the Advocate reported that St Alban’s was temporarily closed when new weatherboards were fitted to the exterior of the building.

While the origins of the building are not clear, the church had been dedicated by Bishop Snowdon Hay 18 months prior to its renovation. The Advocate carried a brief report of the ceremony which took place on Tuesday 18 November 1924:

“The Lord Bishop of the Diocese dedicated the new church at Oldina on Tuesday evening last, in the presence of a large gathering, the building not being big enough to accommodate the congregation, amongst whom were some visitors from Wynyard; and the church wardens of the parish Church. The Bishop was assisted by the Rector, Rev. J. F. C. Ashworth. After the dedication, the Bishop preached an impressive sermon on the witness of the church to the presence of God in our midst. St. Alban's would stand as a witness, not only to the present generation, but to those growing up, in the faith of their fathers…. He congratulated the Rector, also Mr. Bauld, who had given the splendid site on which the church now stood; the ladies of the committee, and Mr. Carson, who had given, valuable assistance. The choir of St. Stephens' Parish Church assisted the hearty rendering of the musical portion of the service….”.

The history of the building is not well documented. The date of St Alban’s closure is not recorded but is was likely in the late 1970s and it would have been removed from the site in the 1980s.

Additional information and sources about the church and building are most welcome as all articles are updated. I can be contacted through this page or my Facebook page "Churches of Tasmania" which is linked here: <Churches of Tasmania>

St Alban's at Oldina (undated) Photograph by Bert Gatehouse - sourced from Yolla and Districts - Then and Now Facebook Group
Notice of the dedication of St Alban's in November 1924 (The Advocate)


North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times,  Monday 30 January 1911, page 4
Advocate, Saturday 15 November 1924, page 6
Advocate, Thursday 20 November 1924, page 4
Advocate, Saturday 22 November 1924, page 4
Advocate, Monday 24 November 1924, page 4
Advocate, Tuesday 29 March 1927, page 4
Advocate, Thursday 24 November 1927, page 4


  1. I have a photo of the alter inside the Oldina church.

  2. From Julie Walsh I have a photo of the alter inside the Oldina church

  3. Hi Julie. I would love to put a photo of the altar onto the post if you are able share it? Many thanks, Duncan


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