No. 860 - Myalla - St Paul's Anglican Mission Hall - "Something attempted, something done"
Myalla is a rural settlement south of Sisters Creek and the Bass Highway. The district was known as Myalla from about 1905 when roads were planned for the area. The railway from Burnie reached Myalla in 1913.
Myalla once had three churches: a Baptist church (1923) a Gospel hall (1919) and an Anglican Mission Hall (1919). A decision to build a Mission Hall at Myalla was made in July 1914, shortly after the opening of the local railway line. At this time the Anglican community had no fixed place to worship and Sunday School was held in a railway guards van.
In April 1919 the community began clearing a site for the construction of a mission hall and the Anglicans were assisted by members of other denominations. The Burnie Advocate reported:
“Strenuous work was done by all who attended, and at the close of the day it was indeed a case of ‘Something attempted, something done’…. in a few months’ time it is hoped that a substantial mission hall will be erected on the site”.
Within 6 months a weatherboard hall was completed and was officially opened Sunday 5 October 2019. The Advocate’s report of the opening service provides some detail about the original building:
“Another stage in the development of the Myalla district was marked during the week-end by the opening of the fine Mission Hail which the Church of England people have erected in a central position of this rapidly developing portion of the Table Cape municipality. The hall is intended to serve two-purposes-first to supply a place of worship for members of the Church of England in this district, and also to provide a badly-needed public hall in which public meeting socials, etc. can be held. The hall is admirably suited for both these purposes, and will undoubtedly fill a want in this district. It is a handsome structure some 40ft. by 20ft., accommodating about Í50 persons. It has a porch ante-room, and a stage, and is nicely fitted up. It is plastered, and is one of the best halls in the district. The builder was Mr. A. F. Young, of Wynyard. Some difficulty was experienced in regard to the acquisition of a suitable site, but this was overcome by the generosity of Mr. H. S. Sadler who gave the piece of land on which the hall is erected. The hall was opened on Sunday when the Kev. E. A. Salisbury conducted two services, each of which was largely attended, the afternoon services being crowded…..”.
When Bishop Hay visited Myalla in December 1922 he encouraged the community to consider building a church:
The interior of the hall - Photo credit: Elders Real Estate Burnie (2020)
The hall in 2020. Photo credit: Elders Real Estate Burnie (2020)
Myalla in 1948. Photo credit: Phillip Wise -posted in 'Historical Wynyard & Close Communities
Myalla once had three churches: a Baptist church (1923) a Gospel hall (1919) and an Anglican Mission Hall (1919). A decision to build a Mission Hall at Myalla was made in July 1914, shortly after the opening of the local railway line. At this time the Anglican community had no fixed place to worship and Sunday School was held in a railway guards van.
In April 1919 the community began clearing a site for the construction of a mission hall and the Anglicans were assisted by members of other denominations. The Burnie Advocate reported:
“Strenuous work was done by all who attended, and at the close of the day it was indeed a case of ‘Something attempted, something done’…. in a few months’ time it is hoped that a substantial mission hall will be erected on the site”.
Within 6 months a weatherboard hall was completed and was officially opened Sunday 5 October 2019. The Advocate’s report of the opening service provides some detail about the original building:
“Another stage in the development of the Myalla district was marked during the week-end by the opening of the fine Mission Hail which the Church of England people have erected in a central position of this rapidly developing portion of the Table Cape municipality. The hall is intended to serve two-purposes-first to supply a place of worship for members of the Church of England in this district, and also to provide a badly-needed public hall in which public meeting socials, etc. can be held. The hall is admirably suited for both these purposes, and will undoubtedly fill a want in this district. It is a handsome structure some 40ft. by 20ft., accommodating about Í50 persons. It has a porch ante-room, and a stage, and is nicely fitted up. It is plastered, and is one of the best halls in the district. The builder was Mr. A. F. Young, of Wynyard. Some difficulty was experienced in regard to the acquisition of a suitable site, but this was overcome by the generosity of Mr. H. S. Sadler who gave the piece of land on which the hall is erected. The hall was opened on Sunday when the Kev. E. A. Salisbury conducted two services, each of which was largely attended, the afternoon services being crowded…..”.
When Bishop Hay visited Myalla in December 1922 he encouraged the community to consider building a church:
“Dr. Hay said how encouraging it was to him and his clergy to find the parishioners so full of energy. He also spoke of the necessity for social intercourse and innocent amusement in the country for the young people, to stem the drift to the towns; and he thought the people were wise to have built the hall, which could be used for church services and for social gatherings too. He hoped that when they had paid for the hall they would begin lo think about building a little church, as the Yolla people had done”.
While the parishioners had ‘energy’, the mission hall was never to be replaced by a full church. However in 1927 a small sanctuary was added to the hall and this was to suffice for Anglican services. Apart from being used for social events, the Mission Hall was also used by the Methodists.
Over the years the hall has been modified and at some point the original entrance porch was removed and the building was re-clad with metal sheeting. The date when Anglican services ceased being held is not known. The building was sold in 2020.
Additional information about this church is most welcome as all articles are continually updated. I can be contacted through this page or my Facebook page "Churches of Tasmania" which is linked here: Churches of Tasmania.
While the parishioners had ‘energy’, the mission hall was never to be replaced by a full church. However in 1927 a small sanctuary was added to the hall and this was to suffice for Anglican services. Apart from being used for social events, the Mission Hall was also used by the Methodists.
Over the years the hall has been modified and at some point the original entrance porch was removed and the building was re-clad with metal sheeting. The date when Anglican services ceased being held is not known. The building was sold in 2020.
Additional information about this church is most welcome as all articles are continually updated. I can be contacted through this page or my Facebook page "Churches of Tasmania" which is linked here: Churches of Tasmania.
St Paul's Mission Hall at Myalla (undated) Photo credit: Libraries Tasmania
The hall in 2020. Photo credit: Elders Real Estate Burnie (2020)
FB Group - 12 May 2020 - original source not given.
Advocate, Saturday 19 April 1919, page 2
Advocate, Wednesday 8 October 1919, page 4
Advocate, Saturday 9 December 1922, page 10
Advocate, Wednesday 4 May 1927, page 11
Henslowe, Dorothea I & Hurburgh, Isa Our heritage of Anglican churches in Tasmania. Mercury-Walch, Moonah, Tas, 1978.
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