No. 1063 - Taranna Kingdom Hall

Taranna is a small settlement about 15 kilometres north east of the Town of Nubeena on the Tasman Peninsula. The settlement was the site of the Norfolk Bay Signal Station. The name Taranna, an Aboriginal name for wallaby, was adopted in the 1880s.

Taranna’s Kingdom Hall is located on George Street off the Arthur Highway. It is built in the style typical of most of the 21 Kingdom Halls found in Tasmania. No published information about the hall is available.

The Jehovah's Witness diverges from the mainstream doctrines of Christianity in that it is a non-trinitarian tradition. Jehovah's Witnesses believe their denomination is a restoration of first-century Christianity. The historical persecution of members of the Jehovah’s Witness in many countries, including Australia, has further contributed to the denomination maintaining a low profile in the media. For this reason the history of the Jehovah Witness in Tasmania presents a challenge to research.

The following information is derived from the Jehovah Witness’ official tract ''The Watchtower':

“In the early 1900s a member of the International Bible Students Association, as Jehovah's Witnesses were known, was distributing Bible study publications in Tasmania. Literature was left with the postmaster at Queenstown, Tom Anderson, and he and his wife became Witnesses. Around this time, E. Brewster preached around the state. In about 1908 Bible students were active in the Westbury area, and spread to the north-east of Tasmania. The Witnesses operated radio station 7UV in Ulverstone from 1934 to spread the Bible's message. In 1945 the Witnesses purchased their first Kingdom Hall (church) in Hobart".

Taranna Kingdom Hall - Photo: Google Street View



  1. Jehovah's Witnesses are not 'closed" as it is put here. We are open to all who wish to attend our halls. It is misleading statements like these that are detrimental. Not good research.

  2. Thank you for your comment Raymond. The article has been amended and my apologies for any offense caused. The word 'closed' was taken from the original UTAS publication, 'a Companion to Tasmanian History'. It is very difficult to find information about Kingdom Halls due to a lack of published information in the media, online or in the archives. I invite contribution of historical information on individual places of worship so as to develop a complete, objective and accurate record of Tasmania's religious communities.


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