No. 1110 - Bellerive - St Mark's Sunday School Memorial Hall (1928)
This entry is another in a series of articles about buildings associated with some of Tasmania’s most significant churches. These buildings include Sunday schools, parish halls, convents, schools and residences of the clergy. Ancillary buildings are often overlooked and are rarely featured in published histories. My aim is to create a simple record of some of the most significant of these buildings, including some which no longer exist.
Bellerive is a suburb of Greater Hobart located on the Eastern Shore of the Derwent River. The area was originally called Kangaroo Point but in the 1830s this was changed to Bellerive, meaning ‘beautiful shore’.
St Mark’s, which opened in 1904, is the second Anglican church established at Bellerive. The original church was built in 1851 and was used as a Sunday school from 1904 until 1928 when it was replaced by a church new hall.
The foundation stone for the new Sunday school and Memorial Hall was laid on Saturday 17 December 1927. The building commemorated Thomas Westbrook, who started the Sunday school in 1863. The Hobart Mercury records:
“The foundation stone of St. Mark’s Sunday School and memorial hall at Bellerive was laid by the Bishop of Tasmania (Dr. R. S. Hay) on Saturday afternoon. There was a fair attendance of parishioners and the service was conducted by the rector (the Rev. H. C. Brammall), assisted by Canon D. B. Blackwood and the Rev. C. H. Corvan. The Bishop, after declaring the stone well and truly laid, congratulated the rector, churchwardens and parishioners on the good work being done,…. The old Sunday school had given good service, but In the course of time old buildings passed their period of usefulness. The building would be a fine one and now, in addition to a church and a rectory the parishioners would have a hall for a Sunday school and for the social side of church life.…”.
The hall was officially opened on Wednesday 30 May 1928:
“The Sunday School Hall of St Mark’s, Bellerive, which was opened yesterday evening by the Bishop of Tasmania (Rt. Rev. Snowdon Hay), ….The hall Is a handsome brick building, designed by Mr. Lauriston Crisp on the basis of sketch plans by Mr. Alfred Middleton, and built by Messrs. Denholm and Bignell. The main hall measures 30ft. by 30ft; the stage 20ft. by 13ft.; and the kindergarten room 30ft by 23ft. A roomy kitchen and cloak and dressing-rooms are provided. The inside of the building Is finished with clinker-brick dado and frieze, and the rest of the walls is coloured in cream. The ceiling is of Duroid plasterboard, panelled in oak, and all doors are of solid oak. At the back of the stage is a fine window in stained glass, showing the setting sun on the sea. The window was given by Mr. John Moore in memory of his brother, a sailor, who died In the Great War. Bishop Hay, in opening the building, used a beautiful form of prayer designed by himself for such occasions …”.
Mercury, Monday 19 December 1927, page 11
Mercury, Thursday 31 May 1928, page 2
Bellerive is a suburb of Greater Hobart located on the Eastern Shore of the Derwent River. The area was originally called Kangaroo Point but in the 1830s this was changed to Bellerive, meaning ‘beautiful shore’.
St Mark’s, which opened in 1904, is the second Anglican church established at Bellerive. The original church was built in 1851 and was used as a Sunday school from 1904 until 1928 when it was replaced by a church new hall.
The foundation stone for the new Sunday school and Memorial Hall was laid on Saturday 17 December 1927. The building commemorated Thomas Westbrook, who started the Sunday school in 1863. The Hobart Mercury records:
“The foundation stone of St. Mark’s Sunday School and memorial hall at Bellerive was laid by the Bishop of Tasmania (Dr. R. S. Hay) on Saturday afternoon. There was a fair attendance of parishioners and the service was conducted by the rector (the Rev. H. C. Brammall), assisted by Canon D. B. Blackwood and the Rev. C. H. Corvan. The Bishop, after declaring the stone well and truly laid, congratulated the rector, churchwardens and parishioners on the good work being done,…. The old Sunday school had given good service, but In the course of time old buildings passed their period of usefulness. The building would be a fine one and now, in addition to a church and a rectory the parishioners would have a hall for a Sunday school and for the social side of church life.…”.
The hall was officially opened on Wednesday 30 May 1928:
“The Sunday School Hall of St Mark’s, Bellerive, which was opened yesterday evening by the Bishop of Tasmania (Rt. Rev. Snowdon Hay), ….The hall Is a handsome brick building, designed by Mr. Lauriston Crisp on the basis of sketch plans by Mr. Alfred Middleton, and built by Messrs. Denholm and Bignell. The main hall measures 30ft. by 30ft; the stage 20ft. by 13ft.; and the kindergarten room 30ft by 23ft. A roomy kitchen and cloak and dressing-rooms are provided. The inside of the building Is finished with clinker-brick dado and frieze, and the rest of the walls is coloured in cream. The ceiling is of Duroid plasterboard, panelled in oak, and all doors are of solid oak. At the back of the stage is a fine window in stained glass, showing the setting sun on the sea. The window was given by Mr. John Moore in memory of his brother, a sailor, who died In the Great War. Bishop Hay, in opening the building, used a beautiful form of prayer designed by himself for such occasions …”.
Mercury, Monday 19 December 1927, page 11
Mercury, Thursday 31 May 1928, page 2
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