No. 1111 - King Island - Loorana - Methodist Church (1926-1971)
Loorana is a dairy-farming district on King Island and is approximately 10 kilometres north of of the town of Currie. The district was previously known as Porky Creek before the name Loorana was adopted. This is an Aboriginal word meaning brushwood.
King Island once had a total of six Methodist churches. The Methodists were the only denomination to establish a church at Loorana. The Loorana church was simple a weatherboard building and it was officially opened on Sunday 28 March 1926. An article in ‘King Island News’ reveals the origins of the church:
“For some years past the Methodists of Loorana have been working with the object of having a church erected in their midst, and Sunday evening last saw the culmination of their efforts. The first Methodist service in the locality was conducted some 13 years ago by Mr Penna, and the attendance was confined to the Hill and Crack families. Therefore, the official opening was delegated to Mesdames Hill and Crack, who conjointly turned the key. The attendance, drawn is presently from all over the Island, numbered over 100, which exceeded the normal seating capacity. Mr A. G. Dolan presided at the organ, and very hearty singing was indulged in. The service was conducted by Rev. E. Thompson,…The church is 18ft x 22ft, and was built by Mr C. Button”.
In 1971 the Loorana church was moved to Yambacoona where it still stands.
King Island once had a total of six Methodist churches. The Methodists were the only denomination to establish a church at Loorana. The Loorana church was simple a weatherboard building and it was officially opened on Sunday 28 March 1926. An article in ‘King Island News’ reveals the origins of the church:
“For some years past the Methodists of Loorana have been working with the object of having a church erected in their midst, and Sunday evening last saw the culmination of their efforts. The first Methodist service in the locality was conducted some 13 years ago by Mr Penna, and the attendance was confined to the Hill and Crack families. Therefore, the official opening was delegated to Mesdames Hill and Crack, who conjointly turned the key. The attendance, drawn is presently from all over the Island, numbered over 100, which exceeded the normal seating capacity. Mr A. G. Dolan presided at the organ, and very hearty singing was indulged in. The service was conducted by Rev. E. Thompson,…The church is 18ft x 22ft, and was built by Mr C. Button”.
In 1971 the Loorana church was moved to Yambacoona where it still stands.
King Island News, Wednesday 31 March 1926, page 4
King Island News, Wednesday 22 December 1971, page 11
Stansall, M. E. J. and Methodist Church of Australasia. Tasmanian Methodism, 1820-1975 / [by M.E.J. Stansall ... et al] Methodist Church of Australasia Launceston, Tas 1975
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