No. 1352 - Strathblane - Congregational Church (1889 -1961)

Strathblane is a small settlement on the Huon Highway about 6 kilometres south west of Dover. It was the site of a large sawmill that was destroyed in a fire in 1886. About a kilometre from Strathblane was Raminea, where another large mill operated. In 1889 a Congregational Mission Hall was built between Strathblane and Raminea. 

 According to a note in the ‘Southern Congregationalist’ the Strathblane Congregational church (originally a Mission Hall) was established in 1889. The earliest newspaper reference to the Mission Hall is found in report published in the Hobart Mercury in 1895:

“A sale of gifts was held at the Congregational Mission Hall, (which is situated between Raminea and Strathblane sawmills), on Tuesday 10th inst., in aid of the minister’s stipend. There was a good attendance. After a few words of explanation of its object by Rev. F. A. Woods a busy time commenced….”.

A further reference to the Mission Hall appears in a report in the Mercury in April 1899:

“Thanksgiving services were held on Sunday, 23rd, in the Strathblane Mission-hall, the Rev. J. Ebery preaching afternoon and evening. The building  was full at both services. On such occasions the need of a larger building is felt….for there are quite enough residents to supply good congregations…”.

In 1911 the Mission Hall was enlarged as was reported in the Huon Times:

“Whilst building operations were in progress at the Congregational Church, Strathblane, services had to be suspended, but the new wing to the church having been completed service was resumed last Sunday. The occasion was observed by special services, conducted by the pastor, Rev. E.C. Davies….”.

Little else is know about this church although there are newspaper reports about activities at the church until the mid 1950s. The church closed in 1961 and the building was removed to a Congregational Youth camp at Seven Mile Beach in the mid 1960s.

The  Strathblane Congregational Church (c.1949) Southern Congregationalist

The timber mill at Raminea close to Strathblane. c.1900 - Libraries Tasmania digital collection -Object No: PH30-1-4627 


The Mercury, Wednesday 18 December 1895, page 2
The Mercury, Wednesday 26 April 1889, page 3
Huon Times, Saturday 3 June 1911, page 6
Huon Times, Saturday 30 September 1911, page 6
Southern Congregationalist, 2 July 1949

Sharples, Theo E. and Congregational Union of Tasmania. Congregationalism in Tasmania, 1830-1977 : a brief history / compiled by Theo E. Sharples Congregational Union of Tasmania Hobart 1977


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