No. 1413 - King Island - Pegarah Methodist Church (1916)

Pegarah is a rural community about 13 kilometres west of Currie on the Pegarah Road, the main road between Currie and Grassy. Pegarah was used as an administrative centre for a Soldier Settlement Scheme in 1946. A school, a public hall and church were built at Pegarah at the time of World War One.

Pegarah’s only church was built in 1916 was established by the Methodists but was later shared with the local Anglican community. In August 1916 an article published in the King Island News describes plans for the church’s construction:

“Plans for a new Methodist church, to be erected on Pegarah Road, have been approved by the Council, and the work will be proceeded with at an early date. The site selected for the building occupies a corner of Mr Geo. Pearson's homestead block, in the corner nearest to Curry and the building will be about half a chain from the road. The work of clearing the site was undertaken by the Rev. P. O. Parnaby, Messrs C.W.E. Milsom, Geo. Pearson, W. Walker, and E. G. Worthy, and is now almost completed. A big fallen tree of 7ft. diameter had to be. negotiated, the butt of which was removed with the assistance of gelignite. Other logs were rolled out of the way and stumps removed. If present intentions are carried out, the erection of the building will be undertaken by Messrs Milsom, Pearson and Walker. The plans were prepared by Mr F. W. Button. This, and the clearing of the site, were voluntary contributions by the individuals named. The building, when completed, will afford seating accommodation for about 80 people. The Methodist Church Building Fund of Australia has advanced a loan of £60 towards defraying the cost of erection, and in addition about £50 has been collected in subscriptions and donations. A committee formed in the district has in hand the arrangements in connection with the opening ceremony, which it is anticipated will take place towards the end of August”.

I have not discovered any reports about the church’s official opening but services were advertised in the King Island News from early September 1916.

In December 1916 the King Island News reported that a concert was held in the church “to help wipe out the deficit of £5 on the building fund”. A report in May of the following year indicates that the Anglicans were using the building for services by this time. The date of the church’s closure is not known but it was likely in the early 1960s.

Pegarah Methodist Church - Through Faith Service and Sacrifice


King Island News, Friday 7 July 1916, page 2
King Island News, Friday 14 July 1916, page 2
King Island News, Wednesday 16 August 1916, page 5
King Island News, Wednesday 6 September 1916, page 2
King Island News, Wednesday 13 December 1916, page 2
King Island News, Wednesday 9 May 1917, page 3

Through Faith Service and Sacrifice: Stewardship Campaign 1956, Methodist Church (Tasmania) King Island Circuit, Devonport, C.L. Richmond, 1956

Stansall, M. E. J and Methodist Church of Australasia. Tasmanian Methodism, 1820-1975 / [by M.E.J. Stansall ... et al] Methodist Church of Australasia Launceston, Tas. 1975  

Henslowe, Dorothea I and Hurburgh, Isa. Our heritage of Anglican churches in Tasmania / by Dorothea I. Henslowe ; sketches by Isa Hurburgh s.n. [S.l. 1978 



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