No. 1473 - Lunawanna - St Michael and All Angels' Anglican Church (1913-1998)

Lunawanna is located on the western side of Bruny Island and lies approximately 6 kilometres south of Alonnah. The settlement was known as Daniel's Bay until 1907 when part of the aboriginal name for the island, “Lunawanna-alonna”, was adopted.

Anglican services at Lunawanna date back to 1909 and were held in the new State school. Plans for the construction of a church began in 1912 and the foundation stone for a small wooden building was officially laid on Saturday 29 September 1912. The occasion was reported by the Hobart Mercury:

“Although the district of Daniel's Bay has been settled for many years, religious ministrations have been few and far between but of late many Hobart residents have acquired property in the neighbourhood, and the need of a place of worship has been much discussed. About 18 months ago the Rev. G. Lumsden was appointed by the Bishop to the charge of the island, and regular services were commenced in the State schoolhouse, but the inconvenience of this arrangement speedily drew attention, to the need of a church and gradually a scheme was evolved.

An energetic committee, consisting of Messrs. C. Corney, A. Cockerill, T. Price, and V. Mason (secretary and treasurer), was appointed, and in a few weeks some £50 was collected, which justified a start being at once made with a building on a very excellent site, presented by the Hon Stafford Bird, M.L.C…. Bishop Mercer having fixed his visitation for Michaelmas day, it was decided to endeavour to lay the foundation-stone of the church on that day, and also to hold a fair in connection with it in the evening. A series of working bees had been held on Saturday afternoons, and the site was nicely prepared for building operation. "An excellent foundation had been built by Messrs. A. Swards and S. Grundy free of cost.

On Saturday afternoon the Bishop, accompanied by Miss Mercer arrived, and was met by the Warden and vicar. A special service was held, Mrs. Cockerill acting as organist. A statement of receipts and expenditure was read by Mr. V. Mason, after which the stone, engraved A.M.D.G., Sept. 28, 1912, was lowered into its place, the Bishop using the trowel, and pronouncing it well and truly laid in the name of the Holy Trinity, and dedicating it to St. Michael and All Angels. An address was given by the Bishop, in which the meaning of the ceremony was explained. Offerings, were then laid upon the stone to the amount of £52, and after another hymn the interesting service concluded with the blessing….”.

The church was officially opened in January 1913:

“The church of St. Michael and All Angels Lunawanna, was formerly opened and dedicated by Archdeacon Whitington recently, in the presence of a large congregation. The proceedings commenced with a procession of the church members from the State School to the church singing “The Church's one foundation,” and the Archdeacon and the vicar (Rev. G. Lumsden) then performed the dedication service, the Archdeacon solemnly blessing all parts of the building, after which the Holy Eucharist was celebrated and a sermon preached by the Archdeacon… Mrs. Weatherly presiding at the organ. The church was nicely decorated with ferns and flowers. The collection amounted to over £5 and this practically clears the building of debt, although much, is still required in the shape of furniture and accessories, so that the services may be rendered decently and' in order…..”.

The monochrome photograph of the church used in this article was published by the Tasmanian Mail in 1919 on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Lunawanna Soldiers’ Memorial Hall by Governor Sir Francis Newdigate.

The church was used until in 1990s with the final service held in 1998. In recent years the building has been used as a house and for holiday accomodation.

The church in 1919 (Tasmanian Mail)

The church after it was converted into a house. Photograph:

The church after it was converted into a house. Photograph:

Google 'street-view 2023


Mercury, Saturday 5 October 1912, page 6
Huon Times, Wednesday 9 October 1912, page 4 
Mercury, Thursday 15 January 1914, page 6
Mercury, Friday 28 November 1919, page 5
Tasmanian Mail, 4 December 1919, page 20
Mercury, Wednesday 19 May 1937, page 12

Henslowe, Dorothea I and Hurburgh, Isa. Our heritage of Anglican churches in Tasmania / by Dorothea I. Henslowe ; sketches by Isa Hurburgh s.n [S.l. 1978 


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